‘PITAA’ is a Hindi adaptation of the Swedish play ‘The Father’ written by AUGUST STRINDBERG in the year 1887.
The story PITAA revolves around the father to have a complete possession of his daughter. The play questions the different layers of power and authority which a man posses by the virtue of being born in the dominant gender. He shares a difficult relationship with his wife and wants to hold the complete right on his daughter by completely eliminating the presence and wishes of her mother.
About Author
Johan August Strindberg (/ˈstrɪn(d)bɜːrɡ/, Swedish: ˈǒːɡɵst ˈstrɪ̂nːdbærj; 22 January 1849 – 14 May 1912) was a Swedish playwright, novelist, poet, essayist and painter.A prolific writer who often drew directly on his personal experience, Strindberg wrote more than sixty plays and more than thirty works of fiction, autobiography, history, cultural analysis, and politics during his career, which spanned four decades.
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